Another day in lock down is done. Another day that I think to myself : I am the richest person in the world. Just without money.
Instead, my richness lies in the total immersion and connection to MOTHER EARTH & COMMUNITY.

All this time since lockdown in spain (today first day of week 6), I have this feeling I should sit down and think about what this Corona virus crises is teaching me about myself. What can I learn out of it, and what would I want to change in my life when everything gets “back to normal”. Almost like I WANTED to find something that is wrong and can be changed, have this moment of enlightenment …
I think, Corona made us stop to watch closer. Me, like everyone else, is being forced to stop their lives (like pressing pause when watching a movie) and is “stuck” in self-isolation exactly at the place and circumstances where we chose to be at that moment of life. For me, this is being part of a bunch of people in group-isolation in spain (we´ve been living together all the time before lockdown, so we chose to stay together and just avoid anyone leaving or coming in), living very remote in plain nature.

After all that thinking was done, I realized, I won’t find anything I want to change! After so many days of thinking, I realize that I am exactly where I want to be. And it´s such a relieve to become aware of that.
I am out in nature,I have all I need to live in the tiny space of my yellow van, I am surrounded by lovely people… Everyone has different skills, so we can all contribute to make things work:
working the land, growing much of our own food, building our own eco-houses, cooking, cleaning, maintaining and organizing the place, teaching yoga and mediation and all kinds of different things
… I already learnt so many things since I am here…

So maybe I knew this before, but just now, I really figure out that NATURE, COMMUNITY and CREATIVITY seem to be my keywords to happiness. In this special time, and after it! It feels like, living accordingly to these words will help me to survive any kinds of crises in the future.
A little list of my insights:
soul connection.
learning from each other.
offering a variation of skills.
emotional support.
sharing, laughing, crying.
movie nights.
fresh air.
silence and sounds.
the feeling of freedom.
watching the stars and the moon every night when you´re outside to pee.
to stop and stare.
reduce your wants, you´ll be happier with less.
having less reduces your fear of loss.
being self-sufficient.
recreates our connection to mother earth.
creates consciousness for what we have and eat.
safes money.
if you can´t avoid it altogether, make buying and eating it a conscious act.
you probably won’t have it on your farm/place/house, and if you had, you probably would not kill it yourself.
avoid cruelty and being part of mass meat production as much as you can.
eat what you have.
food (fruits and vegetables, eggs, …).
houses (manpower, recycling and local materials instead of money).
clothes, bags oils, creams, soaps ….
massages, yoga and work out classes.
cooking, baking bread, …
take time for yourself to write, paint, build, create, cook, dance, play…

Sending out much love and hugs to you, wherever you are.
(it seems so strange no that I wrote my last newsletter just about 2 days before lockdown…. who would have thought it would come that far…)
Of course there will be no Thai Massage Course at the 29th of April….
I hope to do it later this year.
But still, hope is there that we can all come to the spanish mountains to our PEACE YOGA RETREAT at the end of September.
Fingers crossed.